Blueberry Oxymel 2 oz

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Blueberry Oxymel 2 oz


hand-harvested Blueberries from organic fruit hand picked in Oregon, Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey.



An oxymel is simply a vinegar and honey medicine. It is one of many ways to infuse food and herbs into a menstrum that can be taken into the body. I infused blueberries in honey and vinegar for months as a different way to take in blueberry medicine in daily life. This tasty concoction could be used in morning oatmeal for flavor and nutrition, in your daily hot tea infusion as an added vitamin C kick, in cocktails and mocktails to flavor and bring life to beverages. These blueberries I harvested at a friend’s farm in Oregon during the height of summer.


This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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