Western Osha + Lomatium dissectum elixir 2 oz

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Western Osha + Lomatium dissectum elixir 2 oz


A seasonal small batch of bottled Western Osha (Ligusticum porteri) + combined Lomatium dissectum elixir - medicine made with both potato vodka and local honey.

Lomatium dissectium I often refer to directly by it’s scientific name but it has several common names one being Fernleaf Biscuitroot.

I usually do not sell much of these root medicines unless extremely abundant or garden grown. This is due to the fact that many of these plants are struggling due to habitat loss, lack of wild-tending attention, or from being over-harvested — especially in the case of Osha.

These medicines were made while planting their seeds back in the disturbances made from digging the roots.

Lomatium dissectum, Medicine Lomatium has been known to be a strong anti-viral, and can also act on bacterial and fungal infections. It is helpful for the lungs, but I have also used it for cold sores herpes outbreaks topically and internally. During C0v1d, this medicine became increasingly known.

Ligusticum porteri , Osha, is a powerful traditional herb used across the west (and actually exists in the east in the higher elevation forests, too) as a lung medicine. I have seen it aid in acute asthma attacks from stress, help with breathing at high elevation, clear out mucous when someone stopped smoking among many other examples.

This medicine would make sense to add to your apothecary if you’re wanting a powerful medicine for when upper respiratory or lung infections hit, or experience exposure to smoke or particulates.


This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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