Yarrow Wound Powder *for first aid kits*

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Yarrow Wound Powder *for first aid kits*


Yarrow Wound Powder in metal tins to add to your emergency or first aid kit. Have in the kitchen, in your pack for outdoor jaunts, in your car, for street medic work, with your bike paneers, etc. (anywhere you think you might get a scrape or cut!) Yarrow has been known to slow down bleeding as a styptic if applied immediately after a wound has occurred and also has been known to aid in wound recovery and wound pain. NOT recommended for super deep or gouged out wounds. Wound meant to be cleaned later after bleeding has sufficiently stopped. Also nice for inflammed bug and mosquito bites. Also can be made into a tea!

Check out Solidarity Apothecary’s plant profile on Yarrow as a first aid herb

each tin contains approx 8-9 grams of ground Yarrow herb (Achillea millefolium) wildcrafted in small batches across the West.


This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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